Families Change Guide to Separation & Divorce

1.5 - Course Topics

1.5 - Course Topics

It’s time to take a look at the course outline. In Section 2: Dealing with Legal Issues, you will watch a Family Court Services Orientation video.  You will learn about some of the ways the court system in California helps families resolve disputes. 

California law requires that parents attend mediation if they do not agree about parenting time. The goals of mediation are to help parents develop agreements or parenting plans that are in the best interest of their children and to work on reducing the conflict between parents.

The interactive activity will help you to remember what you have learned from watching the video.

Section 3 is called: The Parents’ Experience.      

In this section we are going to discuss the separation experience for adults and we will suggest strategies to help parents cope. When you acknowledge and understand your own emotional experience as a parent, you can be more receptive to the experience and feelings of your children.

You will learn about:

  • The Separation Experience for Parents and
  • Strategies to Help Parents Cope

The Interactive Exercises on both these topics will help you to remember and digest the information.

Section 4 is called: The Child’s Experience                     

In this section, you will learn about how your children often react to the separation; they too will experience and will have to work through the stages of separation. When you acknowledge and understand what your children are experiencing, you will be able to listen and respond to their emotions and feelings. We will discuss strategies to help children cope and you will learn that communication with your children to help them express their feelings is a key component in their ability to deal with the family changes.

You will learn about

  • The Child’s Experience and
  • Strategies to Help Children Cope
  • The Interactive Exercises on these topics will help you to remember and digest the information.

The 5th section is called: The New Parental Relationship

The final topic of the course focuses on changes in the parental relationship during the stages of separation. It presents and reinforces the need for parents to make the transition from their former intimate relationship to a businesslike relationship. This includes basic strategies that you can use to resolve conflicts and thus facilitate a healthy on-going parental relationship.  It also includes strategies to adopt when direct contact is not safe or the level of conflict is high enough to warrant minimal or no contact with the other parent.

You will learn about:

  • Changes to the Parental Relationship
  • Games parents play (videos) and the
  • Impact on the children (video)

Interactive Exercises will help you to remember and digest the information.

If you have registered, at the end of the course there is an exam that tests your basic knowledge about the course content.  Parents who achieve a score of 70% or more on the final exam have successfully completed the course. Once you pass the exam and complete our evaluation form, you will receive an Online PAS Certificate of Attendance. Both the exam and the evaluation form are included in the last section called "Conclusion".