It is important to discuss some expectations about Online PAS.
Online PAS is an information and skill-based course. Our goal is to provide you with basic information about the legal process of separation, as well as to provide new skills to help you and your family be better able to cope with the changes.
It is natural to feel sensitive about family issues. As you go through the course material, try to keep an open mind about information that is presented.
This course will suggest ways to handle situations; some of these suggestions may be new to you or challenge the way you think and act. An important goal of this course is to help you discover new strategies to help you through the separation process.
Be aware that some aspects might not relate directly to your situation, but they will be important to other participants.
Personal safety of all family members is the highest priority. It is recognized that people come from different kinds of relationships including violent and abusive ones. Therefore, some of the parenting strategies we are going to talk about may not work for you. This course emphasizes that adults have a responsibility to protect children from abuse and witnessing violence.
It is impossible to cover all aspects related specifically to your separation. Given the amount of material to be presented during the course, there might not be enough time to address all your questions or issues. However, a variety of programs available in the community might help you get answers and enhance what you have learned.
If you have registered for the course, once you pass the exam and complete our evaluation form, you will receive an Online PAS Certificate of Attendance.
OK. Now it’s time to start with the course!