Families Change Guide to Separation & Divorce

4.12 - Separation Experience for Children - Quiz

Check off the five stages of separation that your children may experience from the list below.

  • Denial
  • Confusion
  • Sadness
  • Bargaining
  • Acceptance
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Guilt

Fill in the blanks below using the following word list.

  • one
  • elementary
  • love
  • validity
  • both
  • why
  • security
  • fighting

How children respond to separation is also age related:

  1. Pre-schoolers focus on
  2. school children show depression and/or anger;
  3. Junior high school students ask and what is going on; and
  4. High school students question the of relationships and commitment.
  5. Research shows that there are four things that help children adjust:

  6. My parents will continue to me;
  7. My parents will stop
  8. my parents will be here in my life; and
  9. If I can’t have that, at least of my parents will be here in my life.

When you are done, you can check your answers.

4.12 - Separation Experience for Children - Quiz